Call for papers: Physics and Imaging in Radiation Oncology

Online and real-time adaptive treatment strategies have been the focus of clinical research in radiation oncology for many years. For particle therapy, adaptive treatment concepts have, together with robust treatment solutions, a large potential to compensate for the reduced robustness. Due to the high precision of particle therapy daily changes in anatomy and positioning, together with systematic uncertainties can significantly impact the final dose deposition.

To collect the most recent research developments and clinical implementations, a special issue of the Physics and Imaging in Radiation oncology (phiRO) calls for the submission of full research publications, review articles and vision statements as well as short communications and technical notes with impact for online and real-time adaptive particle therapy. While advances are being made within “Real-Time Adaptive Particle Therapy Of Cancer” (RAPTOR) consortium, the special issue is also open for contributions from scientists outside this collaboration.

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