The RAPTOR Consortium, currently funded as an EU-MSC Action (ITN), wants to continue its work on real-time-adaptive particle therapy beyond the current funding period. We want to strengthen our role as a research community working on online-adaptive particle therapy and therefore want to open up for new members!
Also, topic-wise, we want to open up to not only use the developed technology for anatomy-triggered adaptions but also biomarker-based adaptations.
Are you interested? Do you have something to contribute? Then join us for our “RAPTOR beyond RAPTOR” meeting on September 13 in Ascona, Switzerland.
This one-day-meeting is embedded in our RAPTOR school, details of which can be found at:
Please note that there is a cost of 60 euros to cover the expenses of lunch and breaks.
The only thing you need to do: Send us a short motivational statement, why you would like to join the RAPTOR family and how you can contribute to (max. 2 participants per institution).
During the meeting, we will present the procedure for our next ITN funding application.